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Frequently Asked Questions


Does MIDINA come fully assembled and ready to play?

Yes, any version of MIDINA purchased directly from us will come fully built and ready to play. 


How can I contribute to the MIDINA project?

The best way is to make music with MIDINA and send us your feedback! We also encourage programmers and DIY'ers to show us what you've got! If you have a contribution that you would like to make to either the code or the hardware, you can submit a change request with your update by contacting us directly. We will review the changes, and if deemed a positive improvement, we will integrate them into the official MIDINA code base or hardware pipeline.


What MIDI I/O does MIDINA support?

MIDINA supports class compliant USB MIDI interfaces. It ships with a 1-In, 1-out interface. MIDINA provides ample power to support industry standard MIDI Thru devices. MIDINA has been tested and officially supports up to 3 In / 3 Out MIDI interfaces like the DoreMidi 3x3, but theoretically it can support more Inputs and Outputs. There is a threshold at some point where managing multiple outputs can bog down the application, so we recommend keeping it to 3x3 or less, and using midi thrus or mergers if you need to go beyond 3 x 3. 


Can I make a feature request?

Absolutely! Please contact us directly with your feature request and as many details as possible about your use case. We will consider all feature requests and share our prioritized backlog on the Features page. 


Can I make a DIY version of MIDINA?

Absolutely. The entire source code for both the Teensy clock and Pi application are available on the "Code" page. 


Can the hardware be customized after I buy MIDINA, or do I have to buy customization options directly from the web store?

Yes, MIDINA was designed specifically with customization and long term repairability in mind. We use standard MX style switches that can easily be replaced by simply popping them off the grid and popping new ones in. If you have your own switches, casing, or other materials you'd like to use, we support your customization efforts.


What are the power specs for MIDINA?

MIDINA requires a 5V / 5A USB-C power supply. MIDINA ships with a 5V / 5A USB power supply.


What if I have another question or need support?

If you have any other questions or need support, the fastest way to get in touch with us is by contacting us directly through the Contact page, or by sending us an e-mail to


We will do our best to respond to inquiries within 24-48 hours.

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